April 11, 2023
This year saw the release of the first edition of DriveRisk’s Annual Risk Report. Over the last few years, DriveRisk has gathered and utilised billions of kilometres of data to identify, focus and address risky driving habits in the fight to minimise collision-leading driver behaviour. Through the utilisation of vast amounts of data and our patented technology, DriveRisk has been able to turn hundreds of thousands of raw data points into insightful information, packaged into one-pagers.
The Annual Risk Report is focused on leading indicators such as near-collisions, to prevent future incidents. Below, we explore the key learnings of our 2021 Annual Risk Report.
Unsurprisingly, within our 6 categorised high-risk behaviour groups, DriveRisk found that the primary high-risk behaviour was Distracted Driving, making up a huge majority of 67%. Distracted driving encompasses all manner of distraction behaviours, such as mobile phone use, handheld device use such as radios, eating, drinking, smoking and other general inattention behaviours. Other behaviours included Driving Fundamentals at 13% (e.g., unsafe following distance), collision-related outcomes at 10%, general driver awareness at 4%, and traffic violations and driver conduct at 3% respectively.